Wednesday, February 22, 2012


These days Carter cracks me up. With Chris out of town each week for work, we get to spend a lot of time together and I love getting to watch Carter change and grow. His personality is blossoming more and more and I'm always surprised by what he says and does.  The most recent addition to his repertoire is what I call "The Dragon" voice.  I have no idea where he picked this up, but it comes out quite regularly when he's playing with toys or crawling to catch up with me.  What's interesting about this, is that I too can do a very similar "dragon" voice, yet I've never done it in front of him.  Guess some skills really are genetic!

Carter loves laughter.  He has the most adorable natural laugh and being that he is especially ticklish, we get to hear it frequently.  But Carter also loves to mimic any laughter he hears.  This imitated laugh sounds like someone trying to make the sound of a shooting machine gun (eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh).  It is truly hilarious.

Carter has also shown that having patience, when related to food, is not his forte.  Meal time has become particuarly interesting, or challenging (for mom), as I must be prepared to deliver food immediately when Carter's bum hits the high chair seat.    The food must be ready to be consumed immediately or I suffer the wrath of a high pitched squeal and flailing arms until I deliver.  One thing that has been a plus during meal time is Carter's ability to sign "all done."  After months of practice, this is the only sign he'll do so I especially appreciate it!

Carter keeps me on my toes as well.  His recent obsession with the toliet has reinforced my need to lower the lid and shut the bathroom door at all times.  If I forget even once, Carter quickly reminds me as I'm bound to find him fishing away in the toliet bowl.

Last but not least is Carter's obsession with wrinkling his nose. This too cracks me up.  I'm pretty sure he learned to do this to avoid the light in his eyes from a camera flash.  When he senses a flash will go off, he wrinkles his nose and squints his eyes tightly.  This of course has changed many adorable shots to ones that look more like those below.  Now he just wrinkles his nose at people whenever he wants to be cute or funny.  Yesterday at Trader Joes, he literally did this to about 10 different people until they gave him the reaction he was after.  All I can say is he definitely knows how to get attention! 

Is he starting to look like me at all?  He is our little mini-Chris!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute!! I miss Carter on this passed Sunday.
    (This is DerShin)
